Seminars & New Branches

Video Disclaimer
The techniques shown are for self-defense purposes only. Practice should be conducted under the supervision of a certified Black Belt. By practicing these techniques, you assume any and all risks associated with practicing these techniques, which risks include but not limited to risks of personal injury or death to you or your practice partner. 2691397 Ontario Incorporated (known as Aiki Canada) is not liable for any and all of the above risks.
Master Samurai




Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu is one of the oldest classical martial arts (Koryu) of Japan, it is not well known outside of Japan. In Canada, there are only 2-3 dojos teaching authentic Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu today, including Aiki Canada Martial Arts.
Seminars are usually held twice per year (spring and fall) and are conducted by Kancho Harrison Sensei, Khashmanian Sensei and Munro Dojo-Cho (Horikawa Dojo). This is an opportunity to learn new techniques (intermediate to advanced), which may include Kenjutsu, Bojutsu, Jojutsu and other weapons used in Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu.
These seminars are conducted in a safe and a friendly atmosphere, while adhering to dojo etiquette. We ask all participants to wear a white dogi (uniform) and black hakama (if they have one). All participants/students are required to sign a liability waiver and pay in advance for the seminar. If you have any questions, please use our contact page.
Visitor’s are also welcome to these seminars. We ask that any visitor’s wanting to participate in these seminars be able to roll and take breakfalls (Ukemi - side, back and front) and sign a liability waiver. If you have any questions, please contact Harrison Sensei at 905 718-5096 or Greg Munro Dojo-Cho at 416 797-3800. Visitors are not allowed to video the seminar, however they can take pictures. If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please speak with Harrison Sensei. Space is limited, and we encourage all participants to register as soon as possible.
In-house Seminars
In-house seminars are also available to students of Aiki Canada - Horikawa dojo and held throughout the year. These seminars are design specifically for students (kids, youth, adults) preparing for gradings or wanting to expand their Jujutsu or Aikijujutsu knowledge/skills. Seminars will also include kobudo (weapons) instruction. These classes will be led by Kancho Sensei Harrison and with the assistance of his senior students.
Establishing a New Branch of Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu in Canada
Contacting Us
If you are interested in establishing a branch dojo, please contact Norm Harrison Sensei at contact@aikicanada.ca or by calling him at 905 718-5096. Harrison Sensei will be happy to advise you on the requirements, next steps and answer any questions you may have.
Our History
It was Soshi-Shihan Yonezawa, Katsumi, who was one of the first Daito-ryu master’s to teach outside of Japan. He travelled to US, Canada and Mexico in the 70’s teaching Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu and awarding various black belt certificates. With the passing of So-Shihan Yonezawa in 1998, we have an obligation (Giri (義理) to Ni-Dai Soke Yonezawa,Hiromitsu (son) to continue teaching Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu across Canada and around the world.