Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Welcome to Aiki Canada Martial Arts FAQ (known as “Aiki Canada”)– We have prepared a set of questions that you or your family may have about learning martial arts at Aiki Canada. Please review our general FAQ followed by our program specific FAQs that you might want to consider for yourself and/or your family before joining Aiki Canada. If you have further questions, please feel free to send us an email at contact@aikicanada.ca or call (905) 718-5096, we would be glad to answer any additional questions you might have.
Thank-you / Domo arigato gozaimasu
Norm Harrison
President and Head Instructor
Aiki Canada Martial Arts
How do I know which martial arts program is best for me and/or my family?
Each martial art school has its own strengths and weaknesses. Choosing the right martial art school for you and/or family depends on what your goals are? We offer six unique programs at Aiki Canada and believe there is a program for everyone!
There are many good martial art schools in our community, each offering unique benefits. However, at Aiki Canada we pride ourselves on teaching students to be well-rounded individuals in life, both inside and outside our school, while on there martial arts journey. Our goal is to instill confidents, compassion and respect for all.
Can I take martial arts classes with no experience, I’m not in good shape, and/or not very athletic?
Absolutely! Don’t be afraid, everyone has to start somewhere! Martial arts are a great way to improve your health and overall physical fitness and to develop self-defense skills and awareness, no matter what your starting point is. Our programs allow students to go step by step, belt level by belt level, at their own pace. Our programs are ideal for people of all ages and skill levels. As part of the Aiki Canada family, we are here to help guide on your unique martial art journey!
Do I need to prepare myself physically before joining a class?
Not at all! Regardless of your level of fitness, our instructors will make sure to work with you to achieve your fitness and martial arts goals.
What is a good age to start martial arts training?
There’s no such thing as the perfect age to get started. We believe martial arts training has benefits for every age! Our Aiki Canada family is always open for new members of all ages. Please click on the Program Overview for a description of each program offered at Aiki Canada. We’re confident that we have the right program for you and/or your family!
Do you offer a trial class to see if I like martial arts?
Yes, absolutely! To find out if Aiki Canada is right for you and/or your family, we offer Two Free Classes for each person or family member. The two free classes are perfect to learn about one of our programs, meet our instructors and to get a first impression of our school. If you are still excited about learning martial arts after your two free classes, however not quite sure, we recommend that you try one of our programs for one month - Intro Offer - One Month (fee applies). Our Intro Offer - One Month is perfect to learn more about one of our programs in more depth. The Intro Offer includes a uniform and belt.
How do I get started?
The very first step is to fill out and register for your Two Free Classes, you can send us a message on the registration form or by sending us an email to contact@aikicanada.ca or by calling (905) 718-5096 (ask for Sensei Norm). We would be more than happy to schedule an appointment with you, give you the chance to meet our instructors and take you on a tour of our school at Aiki Canada. If you prefer, you can also watch a class and ask everything you want to know.
What can I expect during my first class and what should I bring?
On your first day, please Do NOT eat any heavy meals right before class. Have a light meal that will provide you energy but not weigh you down as you participate in class. Please make sure you bring a bottle of water (note: It is important that you stay hydrated during class) and proper gym attire (t-shirt and track pants). Upon entering Aiki Canada (Fernhill Community Centre), we will ask you to remove your shoes/boots and socks. Note: All classes are taught in bare feet.
Sensei Norm or one of the other instructors (black belts) or senior students will guide you through the school rules and introduction, as you begin learning your first fundamental Ju-Jitsu or Aikijujitsu techniques. Whether you are new to martial arts/fitness or an experienced martial artist, you can expect a great first class!
Can I participate in the same class as my child?
This will depend on the program you plan to attend and the age of your child or children. For example, we offer Samurai, Onno-Musha (Female only), Kobudo and Iaido classes in which parent(s) and children can be in the same class together, as the classes are open for everyone from age 14 years plus.
Our Dragon Kids (ages 4-6) and Junior Samurai (ages 7-13) do not allow for parents or guardians to participate in classes with their child or children, as the general attention span of a child is much different than that of an adult. We at Aiki Canada prefer to spend more of our focus and energy on child development without any distractions during our Dragon or Junior Samurai classes.
We recommend talking to Sensei Norm or one of the other Black Belt instructors if you have any special requests. We will always try our best to find a solution for everyone!
Are all genders in the same class?
Yes, all classes consist of all genders. We have a good mix of all genders in our martial arts programs and teach our students from the beginning to respect each other, no matter which gender you are.
How many times per week can I attend classes?
You can sign up to attend classes - one, two three or four times per week depending on the program(s) you select. We encourage all our students to attend at least two days per week to obtain the full potential benefits of martial arts training offered at Aiki Canada. It’s your decision how often you want to train. You may only attend one day per week, which is a great option for beginners, very young children, or students who have a very limited amount of time to dedicate to their training. Please look at our Aiki Canada Class Schedule for dates/times.
Do you have weekend classes?
No. We may consider Saturday or Sunday classes in the future based on student interest and enrollment.
When does the next session start?
Classes at Aiki Canada are ongoing and you can start at any time. However, keep in mind that martial arts are a discipline, not a sport. It is expected that you train year-round with reasonable breaks for vacations and holidays. Your consistency and dedication is what counts and we will see you through each of your belt levels!
What if I'm interested in more than one program?
We encourage students who are interested in more than one program to explore all that Aiki Canada has to offer! Discounts in secondary programs may be offered. Please contact Sensei Norm Harrison at contact@aikicanada.ca or by calling (905) 718-5096.
How much does the membership cost?
Aiki Canada offers competitively priced memberships with No Contracts. Your rate depends on how many programs you are interested in taking, how many classes a week you attend, and how long a period you choose to pay for. We also offer family membership discounts. For more information on memberships, please contact Sensei Norm Harrison at contact@aikicanada.ca or by calling (905) 718-5096.
Do I (or my child) need a uniform and where can I get one?
No, you don’t need to buy a uniform. At Aiki Canada, a uniform is included in each of our programs though our Introductory One Month Offer. Besides the uniform, in some programs, additional equipment may be required and can be purchased in the school (Aiki Canada) once you enroll in one of our programs or at a certain belt level.
What type of martial arts do you teach at Aiki Canada Martial Arts?
We teach Japanese Jujutsu, Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu, Iaido (Sword drawing art) and Kobudo (weapons self-defense) classes.
How do I get to the next belt level? How long does it take?
Each student is provided with a belt curriculum that outlines the requirements for each belt level. Beginners will be provided with a Yellow Belt curriculum when they first start. Belt Curriculum are divided into four sections according to stripes. Once a student has become proficient with the first set of requirements, there techniques will be reviewed and accessed by one of the black belt instructors. If successful in demonstrating these techniques, they will be awarded with their first black stripe. There are four stripes for each belt (1st black, 2nd black, blue and red). It takes approximately three-four months to prepare for your first couple of belt gradings (Yellow & Orange). We offer testing usually within two weeks of a student obtaining their red strip. Students are required attained the necessary attendance and technical requirements to qualify for the next rank. If a student passes their grading, he/she will be promoted to the next belt level (will receive a belt & certificate – Grading fee applies).
Do I have to speak Japanese in class?
All classes at Aiki Canada include some elements of the Japanese language. For beginners we start them off learning how to count up to ten in Japanese and how to pronounce basic techniques. More senior students are expected to be able to execute technique and test based on Japanese language commands.
Is sparring and grappling part of your Aiki Canada programs?
Absolutely! This is a great opportunity to learn the basics, intermediate and advance techniques for both sparring and grappling in a controlled environment.
What kind of experience do your instructors have? Are they certified?
All our instructors have more than 100 years of combined martial arts experience! All instructors have been certified by our most senior instructors and master. Developing our instructors is our number one priority. Many martial arts schools allow their new instructors to teach classes directly. At our martial art school, we believe that all classes deserve the best instruction for our students, so we make sure that all the instructors are 110% ready to lead and inspire our students in classes. Additionally, our school offers the Black Belt Member Club for those students that want to learn how to become great instructors. We want to give our junior instructors trainees the necessary experience, so they are allowed to assist in classes with the supervision of a senior level instructor. Our martial art school pride itself on working to develop great instructors and to work with our existing instructors to continuously develop and grow.
At Aiki Canada, our Black Belt instructors are required to have successfully completed: Standard First Aid and CPR (c) certification and Canadian Centre for Child Protection – Commit to Kids – Child Sexual Abuse Prevention training program.
Is there anything else I should know?
The best way to learn is by participating in a class to get the full experience in training in the martial arts. Before you start a class at Aiki Canada, you should leave all preconceived notions about what you think martial arts might be and come to class with an open mind. Martial arts offers so many benefits and more than you might imagine. Without a doubt, the most important aspect of martial arts is the sense of family and community developed within our school. The relationship between students and instructors is the key! Martial arts can be challenging at times and will require willpower to overcome obstacles to become successful. That is why you need to surround yourself with people who will keep pushing you along the way. We are not just another martial art school; we are a family!
Do you offer beginner classes for children and adults?
Yes, all our classes include mix belt levels including beginners, however after each warm-up, beginners, intermediate and advance belts students are separate for training and supervised and taught by a specific black belt instructor or senior adult student, so that specific curriculum requirements can be focused on for each student belt level.
Do you have classes just for females?
Yes, however based on current class sizes, our Onno-Musha student currently train with our Samurai students. Our Onna-Musha program is designed specifically for female participants. Students will learn key self-defense components of both Aikijujutsu and Ju-Jutsu, with a specific focus on street awareness and self-defense for females (ages 14 to 50 plus). Please click on the Onno-Musha link.
Can I place my membership on hold? If so, how?
We allow a one-month hold* per year (January to December). Holds must be sent in writing with 30 days-notice to Aiki Canada and will apply upon return to the dojo. For example, if you wish to hold July, you will need to pay for July and that payment will be credited to August when you return. Please contact us to set this up. Please note a $25.00 service fee plus taxes will be applied for members requesting a two month hold. The two month hold must be approved by Kancho Sensei.
What happen if I leave Aiki Canada and then want to come back?
When you leave you will no longer be a member of Aiki Canada Martial Arts and will be removed from our records. If you want to return to classes in the future there is a $50 service charge to reinstate your membership.
Do classes stop in the summer?
No, our classes run YEAR-ROUND regardless of school/university breaks. There may be classes cancelled between Christmas and the New Year and holiday long weekends.
I would like some Private Personal Training sessions before I join your classes, do you offer them?
Yes, we offer one-on-one personal training to kick start your martial art journey. Please contact@aikicanada.ca when you are ready to start, and we can set-up classes based on availability. The fee is $75.00 plus HST per hour. Discounts may apply for two-person or group training.
What other fees will I be expected to pay?
Upon enrollment as a member at Aiki Canada (after Intro Offer – One Month), you will be required to pay your first month’s tuition and annual membership fee of $50 (once per year) per student. There will also be a fee for each belt test (yellow belt to black belt and beyond). For any additional costs, please speak with Sensei Norm Harrison.
Do you have a mat fee for drop-ins?
Yes, the mat fee is $20 plus HST per class per student. This is primarily for students that cannot commit to weekly class training and may drop in one or two times per month. If greater than three classes per month, it may be cheaper overall to join one of our programs. Please speak with Sensei Norm Harrison.
Are students involved in martial art competitions?
No, we do not participate in tournaments as from Sensei Norm’s prospective – Jujutsu and Aikijujutsu are not sports, but actual real-life combat/self-defense styles, where people can be seriously injured if techniques are fully executed. We do, however, offer some competitive sparring, grappling and demonstration of techniques in the dojo.
children FAQ
Dragon Kids (age 4-6) and
Junior Samurai Programs (Age 7-13)
Our Dragon Kids program is designed specifically for young children and includes fun games and exercises for learning martial arts, while building a strong foundation that is an essential character-building qualities such as courtesy, respect and discipline. In addition, the program will help improve your child’s motor skills and enhance their ability to pay attention and follow directions.
Our Junior Samurai program offers a great learning atmosphere for learning martial arts for our older children. Beyond practicing self-defense techniques, skills against bullying and maintaining or improving physical fitness, our students develop discipline, respect, self-esteem, goal setting skills, and confidence.
Will my child be injured if they practice martial arts?
In any type of physical exercise, there is always a chance of injury with any form of exercise or physical activities including sports. We take special care to supervise all exercises and practice to see that the students are performing technique in safe, correct and respectful manner. Safety is our #1 priority when practicing.
Could martial arts influence my child to be too aggressive?
Martial arts are meant to teach discipline, respect and compassion. We encourage our students to use martial arts to learn to believe in themselves, and to work cooperatively with others. At Aiki Canada, we believe all people should be treated with respect and self-defense should only be used as a last resort. We regularly explain to our younger students about aggressive behaviour and bullying of others inside and outside of the school. This is type of behaviour is not acceptable at Aiki Canada and is outlined in our Aiki Canada Student Guide, in which all students and instructors must comply with to maintain membership.
My child is disruptive in group environments, can they still join?
Yes, they are more than welcome to join us. We want to help families like yourself, who have children that can be challenging at times. Similarly, we understand that not every child is the same, and that they cannot all be taught in the same way. So, it would be best for us to have a quick chat and see what things can be put in place to help your child before they start a class. Please contact contact@aikicanada.ca or by calling (905) 718-5096 (Ask for Sensei Norm) and we can figure out what is the best way for your child to begin.
How many students are in each class?
On average our Dragons Kids class may range between 5-10 Dragons with one or two Black Belt instructors and one-two senior belt assistants.
Our Junior Samurai class may range between 15-30 students, with a minimum of two-three Black Belt Instructors per class and one or two senior belt assistants or Black Belt Club members.
How long are classes?
Our Dragon Kids (Ages 4 to 6) class is 45 minutes, and our Junior Samurai class is 60 minutes.
How often do students need to train?
For most of our programs two times per week is the minimum commitment necessary to make progress; three or four times per week at advanced levels.
What if my CHILD loses interest after a few months?
All children at some point in their young lives, may want to quit or loss interest in an activity, as a result of encountering challenges with that activity. This could mean, that your child may also have difficulty in accurately expressing how they feel, so they may communicate in a way parents can understand: “I don’t like it, I no longer want to do it.” Our first task is to identify the reason(s) and how to address. Is the training too challenging? Are social pressures affecting your child? Has your child been upset at home or school? Once we identify the obstacle, we can work together to overcome it. By removing the child from the program, one removes the potential to overcome a specific obstacle. The child then learns to ignore challenges rather than work through them, which can be detrimental in later life, particularly during the pressures of adolescence.
I don’t want to force my child to do martial arts.
As a parent, you may know the benefits that martial arts has to offer your child and like other things that are good for your child. Your child may also not like school, homework or eating vegetables and yet we do not give them the option when it comes to those things, which are good for them.
Before withdrawing your child from a program, it is important to ask yourself whether or not your child will be using those few hours a week in an activity which offers the same benefits. You know martial arts are good for them, and what the short and long-term benefits may be for your child. You do not want to force them but if not you, who will? By not encouraging them in an activity that will teach the important skills to succeed in life and defeat any challenge, we take away one of the important tools of teaching. As your child grows, they are going to encounter teachers, leaders and employers who are going to make demands and expectations on them. Your child needs to learn early how to take direction whether they like it or not. We, as parents, can help in that process by directing them towards those things that will develop the important character skills needed to be successful in life! Just remember that in life, all we want is the absolute best for our children and that they need to learn to follow activities or tasks through in order to grow as individuals.
How long does it take to get a Junior Black Belt at Aiki Canada Martial Arts?
It takes most children on average 4-5 years to reach and graduate to the Junior Black Belt level based on two-three classes per week. Everyone child is different, and they learn and progress in different ways based on a number of criteria. At the end of the day, each child needs to work at their own pace and will be promoted based on their individual skills development and contributions to the school.
Can I come in and just observe a class or classes?
Yes, of course you and your child are invited to come in and watch a class or classes. However, for safety and security reasons, we ask you advise us which class you would like to watch by contact@aikicanada.ca or by calling (905) 718-5096 one day (24 hrs.) prior to the class start time. We will then notify the instructor of that class that you will be coming.
Am I able to watch my child or children during regular classes?
Yes of course. We have a seating area for you to watch your child as they progress in classes at Aiki Canada. We believe parents or guardians should take an active role in their child’s development, and ideally, attend classes with them where possible. Over time we believe that children will excel if their parents or guardian are watching or participating in classes with them. Eventually, parents or guardians may be able to help in their child’s martial art development at home.
My Child has ADD/ADHD, how can martial arts help?
We at Aiki Canada have had remarkable success in working with children with ADD and ADHD. While character development is the foundation of our programs at Aiki Canada, the martial arts skills are the vehicle we use to deliver the message. By nature, martial arts training develops focus and self-discipline. As a child works through a single technique, he or she is developing the focus required to perfect the technique. This quickly works its way into the day-to-day life of your child. What this can mean for your child is improved school grades, reduction in disciplinary issues both at home and/or at school, and improved self-esteem and confidence.
Do you offer Camps for kids?
Currently, we do not offer Camps. Camps may be considered in the future based on student interest.
Youth & Adult FAQ
Samurai (Age 14 - 50) Program
Onno-Musha Program (Age 13-50)
Iaido Program (Age 14-60- plus)
Kobudo Program (Age 14-60- plus)
How long are classes?
Samurai classes are 90 minutes each on Monday and Wednesday from 7-8:30 pm and Fridays from 7:30-9 pm.
How many students are in each class?
Our Samurai classes may range from 5-15 students per class with one or two Black Belts instructors and one-two senior belt students assisting.
I have pre-existing injuries. Can I still participate in classes?
It depends on the nature of the injury. If it’s a minor injury, then in most cases you will be able to train without a problem. Over the years, we all at some point end up injuring ourselves from day-to-day activities. It is important to be aware of your limitations and train around them. In fact, at Aiki Canada we take a great amount of pride in that fact that no matter what your current condition, we can train around your injuries or medical conditions and keep you active. We will never push you beyond your comfort levels and we are respectful of your limitations.
So, if you’re unsure if you can start classes, just reach out to Sensei Norm contact@aikicanada.ca or by calling (905) 718-5096 and we’ll be happy to have a quick chat first. At the least we can recommend what’s best for you to begin with.
How long does it take to get a Black Belt at Aiki Canada Martial Arts?
It takes most youth and adults students about 4-5 years to reach Black Belt level based on two-three classes per week. Everyone person is different, and they learn and progress in different ways based on a number of criteria. At the end of the day, each person needs to work at their own pace and will be promoted based on their individual skills development and contributions to the Aiki Canada.
Do I need to get fit before I start?
No, this is a common fear amongst youth and adults before they get started. There is no need to worry about your current fitness levels. Aiki Canada instructors will work with you to develop your fitness level and endurance over time, starting with your first class. What matters is where you are going, and where you want to be and that we are here to help you get there.
OnnA-Musha FAQ
(Age 14 - 50) Program
How long are classes?
Onno-Musha classes are 90 minutes each on Monday and Wednesday from 7-8:30 pm and Fridays from 7:30-9 pm.
Can I take martial arts classes with no experience, I’m not in good shape, and/or not very athletic?
Absolutely! Don’t be afraid, everyone has to start somewhere! Martial arts are a great way to improve your health and overall physical fitness and to develop self-defense skills and awareness, no matter what your starting point is. Our programs allow students to go step by step, belt level by belt level, at their own pace. Our programs are ideal for people of all ages and skill levels. As part of the Aiki Canada family, we are here to help guide on your unique martial art journey!
Are weapons taught as part of the in the Onno-Musha program?
Yes, there are a variety of weapons (including the sword, fan, small and large sticks) taught in Onna-Musha classes for self-defense.
(Age 14 - 50) Program
How long are classes?
Onno-Musha classes are 90 minutes each on Monday and Wednesday from 7-8:30 pm and Fridays from 7:30-9 pm.
Can I take martial arts classes with no experience, I’m not in good shape, and/or not very athletic?
Absolutely! Don’t be afraid, everyone has to start somewhere! Martial arts are a great way to improve your health and overall physical fitness and to develop self-defense skills and awareness, no matter what your starting point is. Our programs allow students to go step by step, belt level by belt level, at their own pace. Our programs are ideal for people of all ages and skill levels. As part of the Aiki Canada family, we are here to help guide on your unique martial art journey!
Are weapons taught as part of the in the Onno-Musha program?
Yes, there are a variety of weapons (including the sword, fan, small and large sticks) taught in Onna-Musha classes for self-defense.
Kobudo FAQ
(Age 14 - 75) (Weapons) Program
Do I need to purchase a weapon(s) before I start a class?
Not right away. If you purchase the Intro Offer – One Month for Kobudo, it will include a wooden sword (Bokuto/Bokken), which is our primary weapon for training in Kenjutsu (Japanese Swordsmanship).
Do I need to have previous weapons experience to join classes?
No experience is required to begin weapons self-defense training at Aiki Canada. Each new student will be assigned to a senior student or black belt instructor for the first few classes, to ensure they are comfortable with their new environment and what is being taught. It is especially important to us that we spend sufficient time with each student to help with their development and advancement.
How often are Kobudo classes and for how long?
The Kobudo class is once per week for 90 minutes on Thursday evenings from 7:30 - 9 pm.
We hope the above FAQs were helpful in answering any questions you may have had. If there is anything else you want to know, feel free to email contact@aikicanada.ca or call (905) 718-5096. We’re looking forward to welcoming you and/or family to the Aiki Canada Martial Arts family soon!