(Weapons Class Only)
Video Disclaimer
The techniques shown are for self-defense purposes only. Practice should be conducted under the supervision of a certified Black Belt. By practicing these techniques, you assume any and all risks associated with practicing these techniques, which risks include but not limited to risks of personal injury or death to you or your practice partner. 2691397 Ontario Incorporated (known as Aiki Canada) is not liable for any and all of the above risks.
Jo Staff
Bo Staff
This program has been designed specifically for youth and adults (14 years to 70 plus - all genders) who want to learn various Japanese and non-Japanese Kobudo (tools used for defense – weapons). The learning of these weapons will be in a controlled and safe environment, where each student can learn about and practice various weapons through patterns (Kata) and cutting exercises (Suburi) to develop their individual and partner skills.
All students will have the opportunity to progress through the colour belt ranking system (white to black belt and beyond). In this class we ask that all students wear a white school uniform (dogi) or blue keikogi (top) and black hakama (samurai skirt). This clothing can be purchase through Kancho Sensei.
Primary Weapons
Wooden Sword (long and short sword – Bokuto or Bokken)
Jo (approximately 1.21 meters or 4 feet)
Bo (approximately 1.52 meters or 5ft (teens) to 1.82 meters or 6ft feet (adults))
Katana and wakizashi (metal sword – only practiced at Black Belt level)
Secondary Weapons
Wooden Knife (Tanto)
Yawara Stick
One-pronged weapon (Jutte or Jitte)
Iron Fan (Tessen)
Two-pronged weapon (Sai)
Escrima sticks (Filipino stick fighting)
Shinai (bamboo sword)
Other weapons for self-defense may be introduced at a later date. Additional weapons costs will apply.
Day/Time: Thursday 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Please email or call for additional information or questions.
Location: 144 Fernhill Boulevard (Fernhill Community Centre), Oshawa. Please arrive 10-15 minutes before class and enter from the west side of the building (down the ramp).